Rudiments Series. Lesson 2 - Double Paradiddle
Hi Everyone. Hope you've all had fun playing paradiddles and have tried some of the ideas in video number 1? Today, we are looking at the next 'Diddle' rudiment... a Double Paradiddle. In this video, you will learn the correct sticking of a Double Paradiddle. You will also learn the correct stroke types and volumes. When you're comfortable with the basic rudiment, I show various ways you can apply it around the kit incorporating your toms and play some different grooves. Remember, these are just a handful of ideas. There are many, many other ways of playing a Double Paradiddle. I'm simply offering a few ideas to get you started and hopefully you will find your own creative path. In the final section, I show what styles of music would work with this rudiment. Once again, I have not used notation as I don't want to exclude anyone from the learning process. Lesson 3 will be coming soon and we will be taking a look at Triple Paradiddles and Paradiddle - Diddles in the same lesson.   Thanks for watching and see you on the next one.   Graeme  
Hi Everyone. Hope you've all had fun playing paradiddles and have tried some of the ideas in video number 1? Today, we are looking at the next 'Diddle' rudiment... a Double Paradiddle. In this video, you will learn the correct sticking of a Double Paradiddle. You will also learn the correct stroke types and volumes. When you're comfortable with the basic rudiment, I show various ways you can apply it around the kit incorporating your toms and play some different grooves. Remember, these are just a handful of ideas. There are many, many other ways of playing a Double Paradiddle. I'm simply offering a few ideas to get you started and hopefully you will find your own creative path. In the final section, I show what styles of music would work with this rudiment. Once again, I have not used notation as I don't want to exclude anyone from the learning process. Lesson 3 will be coming soon and we will be taking a look at Triple Paradiddles and Paradiddle - Diddles in the same lesson.   Thanks for watching and see you on the next one.   Graeme  


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